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Image Is Everything!

What is (an) image? You and I might be thinking of two different things. And, indeed, Merriam-Webster has two entries for the word "image":

We discuss the importance of images (and words) here so we just say again that we believe that all words and images should be chosen carefully when creating a compelling message.

At FatDawgs, we believe that almost everything reflects on your business, products and services: the design and colors used in your logo, the words in your advertising and communications, the furniture in your office… attention to detail is paramount to building trust in your business.

Consider the following examples:

Thought there was obnly one sun, let alone another one injured?
Sports fans will recognize "G" logo is for Green Bay, so GN is wrong and looks like he has a 'nee' injury not a knee injury.
We are sure the Arkansas Razerbacks will be surprised to find out they are playing Tennessee.
An example of needing clarity ... the President took office in January, but his rating has dropped?

All of these examples were all broadcast by major media companies with nearly infinite resources to present a quality product. None of these examples caused any harm to consumers or users. The companies involved probably didn't lose customers. Just harmless mistakes.

But are these mistakes really harmless? Would a potential customer still be willing to trust your product or service if your presentation, sales flyer, promotional materials or training contain these types of careless errors? Maybe. But we believe that obsessive attention to detail can make or break a business.

training matters

Training Matters!

Well thought out, well executed training enables you and your employees to work more efficiently and more effectively. Learn how to leverage available tools and technology to grow your organization through improved work processes and workflows.

All Words Have Meaning

It seems obvious, but words have meaning. The words spoken to employees, each word chosen in advertising, and the words in conversation with customers combine to create an image for your organization.

Image is Everything!

There are a number of well known clichés about image. Image is everything, You never get a second chance to make a first impression. And studies have proven the truth of these overused phrases. What image do you want to project for your organization?